Friday, March 18, 2022

My Personally Selected Dice

 So many people in the gaming community have their own passion for their dice. They have rituals and tricks and all sorts of crazy things that go for their dice. I am, actually, part of the group, but it's because I like to feel the right kind of energy when I'm rolling my dice. Whether it's just me bringing the energy or it's the great universe, I don't know, but I know a good set of dice for me when I roll them. So for our Agents of Edgewatch Campaign, I found three sets of dice that I'll be using during the campaign as my primary dice sets.

These dice I originally bought when my character was a character in Paizo's Starfinder. I was playing a ysoki named Emy (AKA Nibs). I never got to use the dice for her, so when I was recreating my character for Pathfinder, I figured I'd use the old dice I bought for my original character. They look a bit like a galaxy and I think that's really special. As you'll notice with my dice, I prefer to use translucent dice and I try to be careful about what's in them. I'm one of those weird "balanced" dice people. 

I purchased these on Amazon, but I have not been able to find them again. The listing changed the dice pictures and types of dice from the original purchase. I couldn't guarantee what you would get.

I bought these dice, because I wanted something that looked like buckshot or gunpowder. My character is a gunslinger and I thought it'd be fun to use these for various shooting rolls and things like that. It's just black flecks in translucent resin. 

My final set of dice have small blue stars and sparkles within the resin and I thought it would be cool to represent my character's background. She is a Sleepless Suns Star, which essentially means she was a rising star in the Foreign Quarter law enforcement group, the Sleepless Suns. It was just a little character flavor in my dice. I'll probably use these for various rolls as it pertains to my rising star status.

Thursday, March 10, 2022

Introducing - Emmy "Nibs" Oyedette


In the northwestern quadrant of the notoriously tumultuous Broken lands lies the Glenebon Uplands. It is a beautiful land of rolling green hills and sharp, black stone outcrops. But it is also a harsh land of ripping winds, devastating brush fires, rampant banditry, and unfriendly fay beasts. Emmy Oye, also known as Nibs, was born and raised in Cayleen Keep, a bastion of safety and civility in Glenebon, near the Numerian border. Her family is a group of sewer rats who provided law enforcement in the military outpost. One day, though, they were invaded by an unfamiliar and vicious barbarian tribe who drove out her family, scattering them to the winds. Despite all of Emmy’s best efforts, she wasn’t able to find them and was unsure of their passion to find her. 

Working her way south seemed like the answer. She had heard of some extended family living in the desert lands of Osirion. She performed various jobs along the way to keep her kept and fed. Most jobs related to the use of her detective skills and solving little mysteries. This background is what continued to drive her forward to finding her family. A few clues turned up that a ratfolk like her description had passed through, but too few details were provided to give her a new path towards solving the mystery of her lost family. 

As she reached the coast of the Inner Sea, Emmy decided to head to the Isle of Kortos. Leave no stone unturned, as they say. There was something about this place, though, that struck Emmy as comfortable and she halted her trek around the world in Absalom.  

Upon arriving in Absalom, Emmy learned of the Foreign Quarter, home to immigrants from Andoran, Cheliax, Osirion, Qadira, Taldor, and even far-away Vudra. It was the largest area she’d ever seen dedicated to outsiders in a city before. It didn’t take long to realize that this was going to be a giant endeavor to find her family. Realizing they had their own law enforcement agency, Emmy took the chance and applied to the Sleepless Suns.

Unbeknownst to Emmy, she had a knack for formal police work. Emmy’s good work and personality caused a big enough splash that word has gotten out about her status as a rising star among the watchdogs of Absalom. Additionally, her looks and popularity also earned Emmy the trust of many citizens of the Foreign Quarter. Her laudable performance eventually earned her a transfer to the newly formed Edgewatch in the Precipice Quarter. Emmy was hesitant to take on this new position, loving her Foreign Quarter position, but eventually gave in, realizing she’d have even more access to finding her family.

Binder - People and Places Tab

Tab 4 - People and Places


Starting people are just the basic party that we're playing with. 


Additional Unposted Pages Printed from Pathfinder Resources:
"District Map" - Agents of Edgewatch Player's Guide pg. 10
"Absalom" - Agents of Edgewatch Player's Guide pg. 11-14

Monday, March 7, 2022

Binder - Abilities Tab

Tab 3 - Abilities

This binder tab is full of printed out and personally made pages based on abilities. It'll grow and develop as my character grows and develops. For example, I will be taking the "Unexpected Sharpshooter" Archetype and I wanted to have a reference printed and ready before Level 2. 

Printed from Pathfinder Resources:
"Gunslinger" - Guns and Gears pg. 105-109
"Gunslinger Feat" - Guns and Gears pg. 111-119
"Unexpected Sharpshooter" - Guns and Gears pg. 142-143

Binder - Equipment Tab

Tab 2 - Equipment

Additional Unposted Pages Printed from Pathfinder Resources:

Binder - External and Background Tab


Inside the front cover of the binder.

Tab 1 - Background

Character Page - Via Pathbuilder

...and a place with the Edgewatch.

Additional Unposted Pages Printed from Pathfinder Resources:
Ratfolk (Ysoki) - Advanced Player's Guide pg. 20 - 23